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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Methodology To Accelerate The Statistical Assessment Process of Evaluating The Transmission Line Lightning Performance

The lightning performance of transmission lines is a criterion of utmost importance to be evaluated in transmission system reliability. In order to accurately estimate the expected number of shutdowns, it is imperative to account for the stochastic nature of the lightning phenomenon. The most widely used technique to estimate these shutdowns is the Monte Carlo method (MCM). Although the MCM is a trustful method, it has a huge drawback in terms of computational burden. Therefore, this paper proposes the use of an alternative statistical technique, the Unscented Transform method (UTM). This method achieves an approximate non-linear mapping by employing a deterministically selected set of points. These points are then used to estimate the lightning overvoltage across insulator strings, which represents a significant reduction in the number of samples evaluated in the process in relation to the application from MCM. In this paper, the MCM and UTM methods are applied and compared in the lightning overvoltage evaluation, which is carried out with the help of the Alternative Transient Program. From the studies conducted, it was found that the application of UTM in place of MCM allowed for significant computational gains while maintaining satisfactory levels of accuracy in the estimation of indicators.

Rodolfo Antônio Ribeiro de Moura
Federal University of São João del-Rei

Alex Junior Cunha Coelho
Federal University of São João del-Rei

Fernando Aparecido Assis
Federal University of São João del-Rei

Marco Aurélio Oliveira Schroeder
Federal University of São João del-Rei

Henrique Franco Dalgalarrondo
Federal University of São João del-Rei

Ali Hooshyar
University of Toronto


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