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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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An Incentive Regulation Approach For Balancing Stakeholder Interests In Transmission Investment

The merchant-regulatory mechanism represents a promising tool that combines the benefits of merchant investment and regulated investment, thereby providing efficient incentives for merchant Transmission Companies (Transcos) subject to regulatory compliance. Taking the H-R-G-V mechanism as a foundational example of this approach, it permits Transcos to receive the total surplus increase from investments, and the profit-maximizing Transco will perform social welfare maximum investment under this mechanism. However, one drawback of this mechanism is that it allows the Transco to receive the whole benefit created by the Transco, while excluding consumers and generators from the resultant economic benefits. To address this issue, we propose an incentive tuning parameter, which is incorporated into the calculation of the incentive fee for the Transco. Accordingly, the regulatory framework can effectively manage the Transco's profit and allow market participants to access economic benefits, thus ensuring a fair distribution of economic advantages among the stakeholders, while the impact on overall social welfare remains relatively modest. The results on the case study demonstrate that this careful balancing act maintains the essence of the H-R-G-V mechanism while addressing its critical gap—the equitable sharing of economic gains.

Yuxin Xia
School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom

Iacopo Savelli
Centre for Research on Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy & Networks, Bocconi University

Thomas Morstyn
School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom


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