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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network For Dynamic Reconfiguration of Power Systems

To maintain a reliable grid we need fast decision-making algorithms for complex problems like Dynamic Reconfiguration (DyR). DyR optimizes distribution grid switch settings in real-time to minimize grid losses and dispatches resources to supply loads with available generation. DyR is a mixed-integer problem and can be computationally intractable to solve for large grids and at fast timescales. We propose GraPhyR, a Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network (GNNs) framework tailored for DyR. We incorporate essential operational and connectivity constraints directly within the GNN framework and train it end-to-end. Our results show that GraPhyR is able to learn to optimize the DyR task.

Jules Authier
ETH Zürich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Rabab Haider
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Anuradha Annaswamy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States

Florian Dörfler
ETH Zürich


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