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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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An Open-Source Parallel Emt Simulation Framework

As the integration level of inverter-based resources (IBRs) increases, ensuring the reliable operation of the bulk power systems requires the use of electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation tools to identify and mitigate system-wide stability risks. Conducting EMT studies for large-scale, IBR-rich grids, however, is challenging due to the inherent computational bottleneck caused by the underlying high-fidelity models and required small time steps. This paper introduces ParaEMT: an open-source, generic EMT simulation framework designed to accelerate simulations by leveraging advanced parallel computational technologies, such as high-performance computers. This paper presents a comprehensive exposition of ParaEMT, covering its modeling library, simulation strategy, framework structure, operational procedures, and auxiliary features, alongside its extensible parallel computational architecture. Notably, ParaEMT is a publicly accessible and modularized framework written in Python, thereby facilitating future development and the integration of new models and algorithms. The accuracy and efficiency of ParaEMT are demonstrated by rigorous validations via multiple case studies.

Min Xiong
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States

Bin Wang
University of Texas at San Antonio
United States

Deepthi Vaidhynathan
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States

Jonathan Maack
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States

Matthew Reynolds
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States

Andy Hoke
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States

Kai Sun
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
United States

Deepak Ramasubramanian
Electric Power Research Institute

Vishal Verma
Electric Power Research Institute

Jin Tan
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States


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