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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Linearized Optimal Power Flow For Multiphase Radial Networks With Delta Connections

This paper proposes a linear approximation of the alternating current optimal power flow problem for multiphase distribution networks with voltage-dependent loads connected in both wye and delta configurations. We establish a set of linear equations that exactly describes the relationship between power changes at a bus and the corresponding values from a delta-connected device under specific assumptions necessary for a widely accepted linear model. Numerical studies on IEEE test feeders demonstrate that the proposed linear model provides solutions with reasonable error bounds efficiently, as compared with an exact nonconvex formulation and a convex conic relaxation. Our experiments reveal that modeling delta-connected, voltage-dependent loads as if they are wye-connected can lead to significantly different voltage profiles. We also investigate the limitations of the proposed linear approximation stemming from the underlying assumptions, while emphasizing its robust performance in practical situations.

Geunyeong Byeon
Arizona State University
United States

Minseok Ryu
Argonne National Laboratory
United States

Kibaek Kim
Argonne National Laboratory
United States


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