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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Data-Driven Adaptive Predictive Frequency Control For Power Systems With Unknown and Time-Varying Inertia

This paper proposes a novel data-based adaptive predictive frequency control method for multi-area power systems with unknown and time-varying inertia. Firstly, a data-based representation is built and updated at each instant based on behavioural system theory by using historical input-output data, where a moving horizon estimation method is used to deal with the unknown time-varying inertia issue adaptively. Then, the optimal frequency control signal is computed by solving an optimization problem under the framework of data-based predictive control. Simulation results on a power system with three control areas demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Yunzheng Zhao
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Tao Liu
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

David Hill
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong


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