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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Oscillations-Aware Frequency Security Assessment Via Efficient Worst-Case Frequency Nadir Computation

Frequency security assessment following major disturbances has long been one of the central tasks in power system operations. The standard approach is to study the center of inertia frequency, an aggregate signal for an entire system, to avoid analyzing the frequency signal at individual buses. However, as the amount of low-inertia renewable resources in a grid increases, the center of inertia frequency is becoming too coarse to provide reliable frequency security assessment. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm to determine the worst-case frequency nadir across all buses for bounded power disturbances, as well as identify the power disturbances leading to that severest scenario. The proposed algorithm allows oscillations-aware frequency security assessment without conducting exhaustive simulations and intractable analysis.

Yan Jiang
University of Washington
United States

Hancheng Min
Johns Hopkins University
United States

Baosen Zhang
University of Washington
United States


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