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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Parallel Computing For Power System Climate Resiliency: Solving A Large-Scale Stochastic Capacity Expansion Problem With Mpi-Sppy

We propose a nodal stochastic generation and transmission expansion planning model that incorporates the output from high-resolution global climate models through load and generation availability scenarios. We implement our model in Pyomo and perform computational studies on a realistically-sized test case of the California electric grid in a high performance computing environment. We propose model reformulations and algorithm tuning to efficiently solve this large problem using a variant of the Progressive Hedging Algorithm. We utilize the parallelization capabilities and overall versatility of mpi-sppy, exploiting its hub-and-spoke architecture to concurrently obtain inner and outer bounds on an optimal expansion plan. Initial results show that instances with 360 representative days on a system with over 8,000 buses can be solved to within 5% of optimality in under 4 hours of wall clock time, a first step towards solving a large-scale power system expansion planning problem across a wide range of climate-informed operational scenarios.

Tomas Valencia Zuluaga
University of California, Berkeley
United States

Amelia Musselman
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
United States

Jean-Paul Watson
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
United States

Shmuel Oren
University of California, Berkeley
United States


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