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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Flexibility Modeling For Parking Lots With Multiple Ev Charging Stations

The paper proposes an aggregated model that represents the flexibility potential of car parks equipped with multiple electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The model is used in a stochastic optimization procedure to estimate in advance the maximum flexibility margins of the parking lot. The EV aggregator responsible for the charging stations offers intraday ancillary services to the grid by specifying the possible margins within which the absorbed power can be varied, either up or down. These adjustments are made at the request of the distribution system operator, ensuring an appropriate level of EV charging. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated for parking lots with different numbers of charging stations and different daily profile forecasts of the number of EV arrivals and departures.

Tohid Harighi
University of Bologna

Alberto Borghetti
University of Bologna

Fabio Napolitano
University of Bologna

Fabio Tossani
University of Bologna


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