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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Managing Power Balance and Reserve Feasibility In The Ac Unit Commitment Problem

Incorporating the AC power flow equations into unit commitment models has the potential to avoid costly corrective actions required by less accurate power flow approximations. However, research on unit commitment with AC power flow constraints has been limited to a few relatively small test networks. This work investigates large-scale AC unit commitment problems for the day-ahead market and develops decomposition algorithms capable of obtaining high-quality solutions at industry-relevant scales. The results illustrate that a simple algorithm that only seeks to satisfy unit commitment, reserve, and AC power balance constraints can obtain surprisingly high-quality solutions to this AC unit commitment problem. However, a naive strategy that prioritizes reserve feasibility leads to AC infeasibility, motivating the need to design heuristics that can effectively balance reserve and AC feasibility. Finally, this work explores a parallel decomposition strategy that allows the proposed algorithm to obtain feasible solutions on large cases within the two hour time limit required by typical day-ahead market operations.

Robert Parker
Los Alamos National Laboratory
United States

Carleton Coffrin
Los Alamos National Laboratory
United States


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