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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Toward Intelligent Emergency Control For Large-Scale Power Systems: Convergence of Reinforcement Learning, Physics, Computing and Control

This paper has delved into the pressing need for intelligent emergency control in large-scale power systems, which are experiencing significant transformations and are operating closer to their limits with more uncertainties. Learning-based control methods are promising and have shown effectiveness for intelligent power system control. However, when they are applied to large-scale power systems, there are multifaceted challenges such as scalability, adaptiveness, and security posed by the complex power system landscape, which demand comprehensive solutions. The paper first proposes and instantiates a convergence framework for integrating power systems physics, machine learning, advanced computing, and grid control to realize intelligent grid control at a large scale. Our developed methods and platform based on the convergence framework have been applied to a large (more than 3000 buses) Texas power system, and tested with 56000 scenarios. Our work achieved a 26% reduction in load shedding on average and outperformed existing rule-based control in 99.7% of the test scenarios. The results demonstrated the potential of the proposed convergence framework and DRL-based intelligent control for the future grid.

Qiuhua Huang
Colorado School of Mines
United States

Renke Huang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
United States

Tianzhixi Yin
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
United States

Sohom Datta
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
United States

Xueqing Sun
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
United States

Zhuanshan Jason Hou
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Jie Tan
Google DeepMind
United States

Wenhao Yu
Google DeepMind
United States

Yuan Liu

Xinya Li
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
United States

Bruce Palmber

Ang Li

Xinda Ke
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
United States

Marianna Vaiman
V&R Energy
United States

Song Wang
Portland General Electric
United States

Yousu Chen
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
United States


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