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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Admittance Matrix Estimation of Radial Distribution Grids Using Power and Voltage Magnitude Measurements

Accurate knowledge of the admittance matrix of distribution grids is essential for grid operation and control as more renewable energy sources and electric vehicles are integrated into distribution grids. Due to limited observability, measurement noise, topology assumptions, and partial data availability, the exact calculation of the admittance matrix of distribution grids is challenging. In this paper, we present a method for estimating the admittance matrix of radial distribution grids. The proposed method uses low-cost measurement devices that record ten-minute-based measurements of voltage magnitudes, active power, and reactive power at a single end of the lines or transformers instead of second-based phasor measurements. The impedance of lines or transformers is then estimated using a statistical optimization subject to the distribution flow (DistFlow) model. The effectiveness of proposed method is demonstrated by simulation, laboratory testing, and field measurements taken from a distribution grid in Switzerland.

Mohammad Rayati
University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

Mokhtar Bozorg
University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

Omid Alizadeh-Mousavi
Depsys SA


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