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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Predictive Optimization of Hybrid Energy Systems With Temperature Dependency

Hybrid Energy Systems (HES), amalgamating renewable sources, energy storage, and conventional generation, have emerged as a responsive resource for providing valuable grid services. Subsequently, modeling and analysis of HES have become critical, and the quality of grid services hedges on it. Currently, most HES models are temperature-agnostic. However, temperature-dependent factors can significantly impact HES performance, necessitating advanced modeling and optimization techniques. With the inclusion of temperature-dependent models, the challenges and complexity of solving optimization problems increase. In this paper, the electro-thermal modeling of HES is discussed. Based on this model, a nonlinear predictive optimization framework is formulated. A simplified model is developed to address the challenges associated with solving nonlinear problems (NLP). Further, projection and homotopy approaches are proposed. In the homotopy method, the NLP is solved by incrementally changing the C-rating of the battery. Simulationbased analysis of the algorithms highlights the effects of different battery ratings, ambient temperatures, and energy price variations. Finally, comparative assessments with a temperatureagnostic approach illustrate the effectiveness of electro-thermal methods in optimizing HES.

Tanmay Mishra
University of Vermont
United States

Amritanshu Pandey
University of Vermont
United States

Mads R. Almassalkhi
University of Vermont
United States


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