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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Multi-Timescale Coordinated Distributed Energy Resource Control Combining Local and Online Feedback Optimization

Recently, online feedback optimization (OFO) emerges as a promising approach for real-time distribution grid management. OFO offers several advantages, including not requiring precise grid models or real-time load metering and demonstrating robustness against inaccurate problem data. However, one important limitation is that OFO does not consider the intertemporal relationships and short-term planning capabilities of assets, thus not harnessing the full potential of a variety of distributed energy resources (DER) such as batteries and electric vehicles. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a multi-timescale coordinated control framework. In the slower timescale, local optimization problems are solved to provide real-time OFO controllers with reference setpoints. The overall approach thereby maintains minimal model, computation, and communication requirements while enforcing grid limits. Case studies based on a 96-bus unbalanced low-voltage grid with a high DER penetration and second-scale data demonstrate its effectiveness and solution quality benchmarked with a centralized optimal power flow approach.

Sen Zhan
TU Eindhoven

Johan Morren
TU Eindhoven; Enexis

Wouter van den Akker
TU Eindhoven; Alliander

Anne van der Molen
TU Eindhoven; Stedin

Nikolas G. Paterakis
TU Eindhoven

J. G. Slootweg
TU Eindhoven; Enexis


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