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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Modelling Facts Controllers In Fast-Decoupled State Estimation

This paper proposes to extend the fast-decoupled state estimation formulation to bring its well-known efficiency and benefits to the processing of networks with embedded FACTS devices. The proposed method approaches shunt-, series-, and shunt-series-type devices. The controller parameters are included as new active or reactive state variables, while controlled quantity values are included in the metering scheme of the decoupled approach. From the electrical model adopted for each device, the extended formulation is presented, and a modified fast-decoupled method is devised, seeking to ensure accuracy and impart robustness to the iterative solution. Simulation results conducted throughout the IEEE 30-bus test system with distinct types of FACTS devices are used to validate and evaluate the performance of the proposed decoupled approaches.

Elizete Lourenco
Federal University of ParanĂ¡ - UFPR

Cristina Ferreira Hasler
Federal University of ParanĂ¡ - UFPR

Renan Portelinha

Odilon Tortelli
Federal University of ParanĂ¡ - UFPR


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