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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Feature-Driven Strategies For Trading Wind Power and Hydrogen

This paper develops a feature-driven model for hybrid power plants, enabling them to exploit available contextual information such as historical forecasts of wind power, and make optimal wind power and hydrogen trading decisions in the day-ahead stage. For that, we develop different variations of feature-driven linear policies, including a variation where policies depend on price domains, resulting in a price-quantity bidding curve. In addition, we propose a real-time adjustment strategy for hydrogen production. Our numerical results show that the final profit obtained from our proposed feature-driven trading mechanism in the day-ahead stage together with the real-time adjustment strategy is very close to that in an ideal benchmark with perfect information.

Emil Helgren
Technical University of Denmark

Jalal Kazempour
Technical University of Denmark

Lesia Mitridati
Technical University of Denmark


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