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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Complex Frequency Divider

This work presents the Complex Frequency Divider Formula (CFDF), an explicit equation for the complex frequencies (CFs) of the voltage of every bus of a power system in terms of a linear combination of the CFs of the currents injected by the devices connected to the network. The coefficients of this linear combination depend on the topology of the system, voltages and currents. The CFDF carries valuable information on the impact of every device on the dynamic of the voltage and frequency of any particular bus of the system. The formulation is exact, as it does not require any simplification of the dynamic model of the system. The CFDF is implemented in two benchmark systems to show its potential in static and dynamic analysis in different scenarios. Finally, relevant notes on the applications of the proposed formula are outlined.

Ignacio Ponce
University College Dublin

Federico Milano
University College Dublin


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