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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Contingency Analysis With Warm Starter Using Probabilistic Graphical Model

Cyberthreats are an increasingly common risk to the power grid and can thwart secure grid operations. We propose to extend contingency analysis to include cyberthreat evaluations. However, unlike the traditional N-1 or N-2 contingencies, cyberthreats (e.g., MadIoT) require simulating hard-to-solve N-k (with k >> 2) contingencies in a practical amount of time. Purely physics-based power flow solvers, while being accurate, are slow and may not solve N-k contingencies in a timely manner, whereas the emerging data-driven alternatives are fast but not sufficiently generalizable, interpretable, and scalable. To address these challenges, we propose a novel conditional Gaussian Random Field-based data-driven method that performs fast and accurate evaluation of cyberthreats. It achieves speedup of contingency analysis by warm-starting simulations, i.e., improving starting points, for the physical solvers. To improve the physical interpretability and generalizability, the proposed method incorporates domain knowledge by considering the graphical nature of the grid topology. To improve scalability, the method applies physics-informed regularization that reduces model complexity. Experiments validate that simulating MadIoT-induced attacks with our warm starter becomes approximately 5x faster on a realistic 2000-bus system.

Shimiao Li

United States

Amritanshu Pandey
the University of Vermont
United States

Larry Pileggi
Carnegie Mellon University
United States


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