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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Dynamic Ancillary Services: From Grid Codes To Transfer Function-Based Converter Control

Conventional grid-code specifications for dynamic ancillary services provision such as fast frequency and voltage regulation are typically defined by means of piece-wise linear step-response capability curves in the time domain. However, although the specification of such time-domain curves is straightforward, their practical implementation in a converter-based generation system is not immediate, and no customary methods have been developed yet. In this paper, we thus propose a systematic approach for the practical implementation of piece-wise linear time-domain curves to provide dynamic ancillary services by converter-based generation systems, while ensuring grid-code and device-level requirements to be satisfied. Namely, we translate the piece-wise linear time-domain curves for active and reactive power provision in response to a frequency and voltage step change into a desired rational parametric transfer function in the frequency domain, which defines a dynamic response behavior to be realized by the converter. The obtained transfer function can be easily implemented e.g. via a proportional-integral (PI)-based matching control in the power loop of standard converter control architectures. We demonstrate the performance of our method in numerical grid-code compliance tests, and reveal its superiority over classical droop and virtual inertia schemes which may not satisfy the grid codes due to their structural limitations.

Verena Häberle
ETH Zurich

Linbin Huang
ETH Zurich

Xiuqiang He
ETH Zurich

Eduardo Prieto-Araujo
UPC Barcelona

Florian Dörfler
ETH Zurich


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