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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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An Integer Clustering Approach For Modeling Large-Scale Ev Fleets With Guaranteed Performance

Large-scale integration of electric vehicles (EVs) leads to a tighter integration between transportation and electric energy systems. In this paper, we develop a novel integer-clustering approach to model a large number of EVs by managing vehicle charging and energy at the fleet level yet maintaining individual trip dispatch. The model is then used to develop a spatially and temporally-resolved decision-making tool for optimally planning and operating EV fleets and charging infrastructure. The tool comprises a two-stage framework where a tractable disaggregation step follows the integer-clustering problem to recover an individual solution. Mathematical relationships between the integer clustering, disaggregation, and individual formulations are analyzed. We establish theoretical lower and upper bounds on the true individual formulation which underpins a guaranteed performance of the proposed method. The optimality accuracy and computational efficiency of the integer-clustering formulation are also numerically validated on a real-world case study of Boston's public transit network under extensive test instances. Substantial speedups with minimal loss in solution quality are demonstrated.

Sijia Geng
Johns Hopkins University
United States

Thomas Lee
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States

Dharik Mallapragada
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States

Audun Botterud
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States


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