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Power Systems Computation Conference 2024

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Enhancing Computation Performance of Rational Approximation For Frequency-Dependent Network Equivalents With Parallelism and Complex Vector Fitting

This work examines two strategies for enhancing the rational approximation of Frequency-Dependent Network Equivalents (FDNE) using an 8-port FDNE featuring a frequency response marked by numerous peaks and valleys. Firstly, we employ Complex Vector Fitting (CVF), an alternative to the Vector Fitting (VF). CVF eliminates the constraint of complex conjugate pairs and was originally conceived for modeling base-band equivalents through S-parameters. The implications of CVF for Y-parameters have not yet been previously reported in specialized literature. To enhance code performance and remove dependence on commercial software such as MATLABĀ®, VF and CVF were implemented in the C-language, utilizing a low-level linear algebra package and exploiting parallelism. We evaluated performance by varying the model order, number of ports, and frequency samples. The results confirm the feasibility of our approach, prompting a more in-depth exploration of the potential benefits regarding FDNE realization.

Alexandre A. Kida
Federal University of Bahia, UFBA, BA, Brazil and Federal Institute of Bahia, IFBA, BA, Brazil

Felipe N. F. Dicler
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPE/UFRJ, RJ, Brazil

Thomas M. Campello
Celso Suckow da Fonseca Federal Centre of Technological Education

Loan T.F.W. Silva
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Antonio C.S. Lima
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Fernando A. Moreira
Federal University of Bahia

Robson F.S. Dias
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Glauco N. Taranto
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


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